Dietician with healthy eating tips amidst soaring grocery prices –

As we look ahead to February, many have set an intention to eat a little healthier this year.

It can be difficult to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle change amidst rising grocery costs.

Amber Barrowman, a clinical dietitian, provided some tips for eating healthy on a budget. To begin with, she explained that home cooking and limiting the amount that you eat certainly helps a lot.

“Planning ahead is the biggest tip I can give when it comes to healthy eating no matter what your budget is. It’s important to sit down prior to the week ahead and come up with a plan. What meals are you going to be preparing for the week? Once you know what those meals will look like, you can then come up with a grocery list.”

She explained that you can also do the reverse. Check out weekly specials in newspapers, in flyers and online, and check for coupons, she said, while basing your meal plan around that.

“However, you do want to avoid buying those one-time-only ingredients, which you are likely only going to use once, and never again.”

When it comes to shopping, Barrowman said it’s best to buy fruits and vegetables that are in season, so you’ll get “the best bang for your buck.”

“When you buy those fresh fruits and vegetables, don’t be afraid to buy extra and do some canning or throw them in the freezer for use at a later time.”

She said that it would be beneficial to purchase fruits and vegetables that aren’t in season from the frozen aisle, as they are usually less expensive.

Ultimately, she said that preparing big batches of food for the week ahead is advantageous. Not being afraid to freeze that spaghetti sauce for a pasta dinner next week, for example, or turning it into a lasagna, a soup, or a casserole at a later time will help make it last longer.

Barrowman added that the Saskatchewan Health Authority has dieticians located throughout the province, and don’t hesitate in reaching out to the one nearest you.