Spain urged to adopt 10 measures to guarantee access to healthy, sustainable food

In a joint letter, the organizations offered their support to develop food policies covering a range of topics, from working conditions for agricultural workers to the fight against depopulation or rural areas.

Given the ‘current food price crisis’, they insist on political measures must be approved to ‘guarantee access to healthy food’ as well as the ‘sustainability of the entire agri-food model’ in the medium and long term.

With this in mind, the coalition has urged the government to take ten steps they say will promote a ‘fairer agrifood system’. The want to see civil society to be ‘take more into account’ than the priorities of the agri-food industry when policies are being developed.

Short term measures ‘are not enough’

The organizations stressed that the Spanish people are struggling under the cost of living crisis that has swept Europe, noting that this has impacted access to food ‘for the most vulnerable’. They rejected the short-term measures that the Spanish authorities had introduced, such as a reduction in value added tax, insisting they were ‘not enough to solve the problem’. Policies need to balance the interests of Spanish consumers and small-scale producers, they continued.

“While the price of the shopping basket continues to rise, production costs are also increasingly stifle family agroecological production. We can affirm that there is a fragile balance between the provision of resources and food for our consumption, the protection of the land and that the people who inhabit and work have decent living conditions.”