NSW Health

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Still, other factors are beyond both individual and group choices, such as genetic disorders. From ancient times, Christian emphasis on practical charity gave rise to the development of systematic nursing and hospitals and the Catholic Church today remains the largest non-government provider of medical services in the world. This is intended to ensure that the entire population has access to medical care on the basis of need rather than ability to pay. Delivery may be via private medical practices or by state-owned hospitals and clinics, or by charities, most commonly by a combination …

3 min read

Personal tools

Home of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Genetics, or inherited traits from parents, also play a role in determining the health status of individuals and populations. This can encompass both the predisposition to certain diseases and health conditions, as well as the habits and behaviors individuals develop through the lifestyle of their families. For example, genetics may play a role in the manner in which people cope with stress, either mental, emotional or physical.

  • Health Policy Briefs examine complex questions currently being debated in health policy and health services research.
  • Again, the WHO played a leading role
5 min read

Monkeypox Resources

National Department of Health National Department of Health Website

So you can view your activity, manage your medications, better understand your sleep, and work with your healthcare providers to make the choices that are best for you. Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian relief organization that places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. Contemporary medicine is in general conducted within health care systems. Legal, credentialing and financing frameworks are established by individual governments, augmented on occasion by international organizations, such as churches. The characteristics of any given health care …

5 min read

Older adults and COVID-19 vaccines

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Your health data stays up to date across all your devices automatically using iCloud, where it is encrypted while in transit and at rest. Apps that access HealthKit are required to have a privacy policy, so be sure to review these policies before providing apps with access to your health and fitness data. Dive into our online publication in Statistics Explained focussing on different areas such as health status, health determinants and health care. Fri, 09 Sep 2022 Reducing Maternal and Child Mortality, Family Must Have MCH HandbookOne of the Sustainable Development Goals …

3 min read

Meeting official healthy food guidelines will cost the poor half their disposable income

Meeting official healthy food guidelines will cost the poor half their disposable income, research shows

  • Higher food and drink prices have left some struggling to afford healthy options
  • Inflation has hit the lowest 20 per cent of earners, according to the Food Foundation

Britain’s poorest families would need to spend half their disposable income on food to meet the Government’s healthy-eating guidelines, research shows.

Soaring food and drink prices have left many households struggling to afford the healthier alternatives recommended

3 min read

Want to live longer? Try these six foods

A new study shows that people who eat certain foods have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality than those who don’t.

The study was published in the Oxford University Press’s European HeartJournala peer-reviewed medical journal of cardiology.

The relationship between diet and mortality and CVD is well known. “Diet scores” provide quantitative, empirical information showing this relationship. Indeed, as the study notes, previous studies revealed “a higher diet score being associated with lower mortality [and lower] CVD.”

One study from Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) created a diet score that, according to the European HeartJournal study,

3 min read

Group donates new refrigerator to Unity in the Seven Hills

Unity in the Seven Hills, located at 3522 Campbell Ave., received a generous donation from Food Not Bombs — a new refrigerator that will greatly benefit its mission of fostering a healthy community.

Bonnie Black, the board president of Unity in the Seven Hills, expressed gratitude for the contribution, emphasizing the organization’s commitment to promoting both a healthy inner life and a thriving community.

Unity in the Seven Hills is a non-profit organization that provides essential resources to the community through initiatives such as a food pantry and a little library. It also actively collaborates with other non-profits and participates

5 min read

15 Healthy Foods That Help You Poop

1. Apples

Apples are a great source of fiber. One medium, raw gala apple with skin contains 2.1 grams (g) of fiber.

Apples also contain a specific type of soluble fiber called pectin, which is known for its laxative effect.

A recent reviews of 16 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) suggest that pectin can help:

  • increased stool frequency
  • decreased stool hardness
  • decrease time spent on the toilet
  • decrease the need for laxatives

You can use apples as a healthy topping for foods such as yogurt, crepes and oatmeal or enjoy them on their own as a travel-friendly and nutritious snack.


8 min read