Twins facing life-threatening conditions go home healthy thanks to OHSU fetal surgery team

Adriana Romero Villarreal underwent fetal laser surgery to treat twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome when she was 22 weeks pregnant with sons Felix and Isaac, pictured here with their surgeons, Raphael Sun, MD, and Andrew Chon, MD, and their father, Isaac Bagnall.  (OHSU/Christine Torres Hicks)

Adriana Romero Villarreal underwent fetal laser surgery to treat twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome when she was 22 weeks pregnant with sons Felix and Isaac, pictured here with their surgeons, Raphael Sun, MD, and Andrew Chon, MD, and their father, Isaac Bagnall. (OHSU/Christine Torres Hicks)

When Adriana Romero Villarreal found out she was having twins, she was shocked: Twins didn’t run into her family or her partner’s family, so they were excited to welcome the first set.

At her prenatal check-up, Romero Villarreal learned that her pregnancy was considered high-risk. She was referred to Oregon Health & Science University for an ultrasound

5 min read

Secrets to a long, healthy life explained – Agweek

I was thinking about longevity the other day. Who doesn’t want a long, healthy life?

As I sipped my coffee at church, I was thinking about a research project we are launching at North Dakota State University. I have included the online survey link with this column.

My 90-plus-year-old church coffee buddy stopped by and joined us at our table. She usually comments on my column of the week.

She inspires me. She lives on her own, drives herself to church and is always dressed stylishly. She’s very witty too.

“How do you come up with new ideas for your

5 min read

This doctor unlocked the secret to a happier life. Here’s what you need to know

Younger generations are more diverse when it comes to sexual and gender identity (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Younger generations are more diverse when it comes to sexual and gender identity (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

How happy are you? You’ve likely asked yourself this at some point and the answer has probably changed based on a variety of factors: how you feel about your job, your financial status, your health, your personal growth, the way you look, and more.

If you were to remove those factors and only answer based on the relationships you have with your family, friends, and/or a significant other, your answer might look different.

That’s because at the crux of human happiness is good, close, healthy,

4 min read

Here is the perfect 11-minute rule for a long-lasting healthy life

However, the current study suggests that even 75 minutes of the same level of physical activity every week is enough to save you from an early death. So who is right, NHS or Cambridge?

The logic behind 11-minute brisk walking

To explore the links between physical activity levels and common causes of early death, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, the researchers went through the findings of 196 peer-reviewed research works. These studies collectively involved over 30 million participants from 94 different age groups.

They noticed that over 60 percent of the participants did moderately intense physical activity for less

2 min read

As a doctor, I know anti-trans legislation isn’t about ‘family values.’ It costs lives.

Lawmakers using so-called culture wars to prohibit medical care for transgender people are dismantling more than medical options; they’re weakening families and communities.

These strategies vilify people for their personal identity and marginalize families at an already tenuous time.

Legislation to restrict safe options for treatment, like puberty blockers, causes fear and consternation. Some families are fleeing their home states and moving where their children can be their authentic selves and receive comprehensive medical care.

The strain over this issue isn’t confined to state capitals. It extends to one of the country’s most established newspapers, where the newsroom is battling

6 min read

How To Overcome Jet Lag

Are you preparing for a vacation and traveling by plane? There are ways to shield your body against jet lag and overcome it, reducing the symptoms that can ruin your vacation.

Why do we get jet lag?

Jet lag occurs when we travel by plane and change two or more time zones, this disrupts the body’s circadian rhythm. The symptoms are a result of the circadian rhythm being detuned. The circadian rhythm is the pattern that our body follows within a 24-hour period. This rhythm essentially determines when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. It

5 min read

First UK Child To Receive Gene Therapy For Fatal Genetic Disorder Is Now Healthy

A 19-month-old girl named Teddi recently became the first child in the UK outside a clinical trial to receive a new gene therapy for metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), a fatal genetic disorder, the National Health Service (NHS) announced. Roughly six months out of treatment, “Teddi is a happy and healthy toddler showing no signs of the devastating disease she was born with,” the NHS statement reads. Live Science reports: The genetic disorder MLD disrupts cells’ ability to break down sulfatides, a fatty material used to insulate the wiring that runs through the white matter of the brain and much of the

2 min read

Reflecting on his life beyond the police video

Tire Nichols taking a selfie, and an image from a video of him riding his skateboard.

Tire Nichols taking a selfie, and an image from a video of him riding his skateboard. (Photo illustration: Yahoo News; photos: Deandre Nichols via Reuters, family handout via Twitter)

As family and loved ones gather Wednesday in Memphis to celebrate the life of Tyre Nichols, a Black man killed by Memphis police, mental health experts are cautioning against watching and posting the gruesome video circulating around social media of his fatal beating. Instead, they are offering ways to reflect on his life as a healthy alternative.

“You don’t have to watch the video, you don’t have to post the video,”

6 min read