Toss them in your salads, churn them into nut butter, or incorporate them into homemade granola bars. Almonds are a staple during meal or snack time, and they’re more than just a tasty source of satisfying crunch. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), almonds are an excellent source of many nutrients, including fiber, protein, healthy fats, magnesium, and vitamin E.
While they’re often put into the healthy-fat category, almonds are a surprising source of protein and fiber. This is good news for vegans and vegetarians looking for plant-based protein sources, and the 95 percent of Americans, per an article in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicinewho don’t consume the recommended amount of fiber.
There are dozens of almond varieties, belonging to two main categories: sweet or bitter. What may be more important nutritionally speaking, though, is how they’re prepared and flavored. You’re likely to find salted and fun-flavored almonds on supermarket shelves, but raw and unsalted almonds are your best bet to curb unnecessary added sugar and sodium.
From almond milk to almond flour, there are numerous ways to reap the potential health benefits of this versatile nut. Or you can do the same by keeping things simple and reaching for a handful of raw almonds the next time a snack craving strikes. Here are seven possible benefits you’ll reap!
1. Almonds Are High in Muscle-Building Protein and Heart-Healthy Fiber
You’ve probably heard that a handful of raw almonds make for a nutritious snack, and it’s true: The nuts’ nutritional profile is impressive. Thanks to their protein and fiber content, almonds are satiating in between meals. An ounce of almonds contains just over 6 grams (g) of protein and about 4 g of fiber, according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Proteins are the building blocks of the body, and they’re essential for muscle growth. Protein is also beneficial for weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight because this macronutrient (the other two being carbohydrates and fat) helps you stay full, per the Cleveland Clinic, which recommends allocating up to 35 percent of your daily calories to protein, citing nuts and nut butters as good sources.
While protein gets a lot of attention, let’s not forget about the fiber in almonds — a nutrient that most US adults underconsume, getting only roughly half of what they need, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It’s no secret that fiber is an essential nutrient for heart and gut health. High-fiber diets can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, per a meta-analysis published in December 2017 Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. Fiber also helps regulate blood sugar, reduces the risk of colon cancer, and may aid in weight loss, the CDC notes. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics lists almonds as a naturally high-fiber food that can help men and women reach their goals of 38 and 25 grams (g) of fiber per day, respectively.
2. High in Monounsaturated Fat, Almonds Help Raise ‘Good’ Cholesterol Levels
While they’re high in complex carbohydrates and contain health-promoting fiber and protein, almonds are mostly known for being a rich source of healthy fats. They’re especially rich in monounsaturated fats, says Jenna Volpe, RDN, who practices in Austin, Texas. Monounsaturated fats are a type of healthy fat and are commonly found in nuts, according to MedlinePlus, which notes they have heart health benefits.
Volpe says the monounsaturated fats in almonds raise “good” HDL cholesterol. “Incorporating monounsaturated fatty acid–rich almonds in the diet or regularly replacing a refined-carbohydrate-rich snack with almonds may be enough to raise levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol,” she says, pointing to a trial published in the August 2017 Journal of Nutrition.
Heart health aside, healthy fats are an essential part of a balanced diet. Healthy fats are needed to support cell function and energy levels, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). Too much fat, though, could lead to weight gain, because fat is high in calories. To maintain a healthy weight, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that 20–35 percent of your total daily calories come from healthy fats.
3. Almonds Are High in Antioxidants, Such as Vitamin E, Which Help Protect Against Cell Damage
If there’s one antioxidant Volpe would like to see people consume more of it, it’s vitamin E. And almonds are an excellent source, she says. Per the USDA, one ounce of almonds offers 7.26 milligrams (mg) of E, “making it very easy for almond lovers to meet their daily vitamin E quota,” Volpe explains.
Antioxidants like vitamin E fend off unstable molecules called free radicals, which damage cells when left unchecked. Vitamin E therefore helps prevent free radical damage while also enhancing immune function, and prevents blood clots in the arteries, according to the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.
“Eating almonds regularly has been shown in multiple studies to effectively raise blood levels of vitamin E, which could translate to an increased likelihood of better immunity and reduced inflammation levels in the body,” Volpe says. Research, such as a study in the September 2018 European Journal of Nutrition, supports that notion. Volpe recommends almonds as a bioavailable form of vitamin E that’s easily used by the body.
4. Almond Consumption Helps Lower ‘Bad’ Cholesterol Levels
Roughly two in five US adults have high cholesterol, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, according to the CDC. It’s important to get your cholesterol levels checked regularly, and if it turns out you could benefit from lowering your cholesterol, almonds are your friends.
“Almonds can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease,” says Stacey Simon, RDN, who works with Top Nutrition Coaching in Pleasantville, New York. “They contain monounsaturated fatty acids, which play a role in lowering ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol. Almonds can also increase HDL, or good cholesterol, levels.”
Simon points to a review published in November 2019 in Advances in Nutrition, which shows that almond consumption does in fact reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing LDL cholesterol, increasing HDL cholesterol, and decreasing body weight. One of the Mayo Clinic’s top tips for improving cholesterol numbers is snacking on almonds or adding them to your salads. The Mayo Clinic also reminds us that limiting saturated and trans fats in your diet goes a long way toward lowering cholesterol.
5. Almonds Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties, Which May Reduce the Risk of Disease
There’s a lot of research linking nuts to a reduced risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, but research has also uncovered an association between almonds and improved inflammatory biomarkers.
Although you don’t always notice it, inflammation shouldn’t go unchecked, says Simon. “Antioxidants like vitamin E found in almonds play a role in reducing chronic inflammation,” Simon explains. “Chronic inflammation can increase the risk of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes. They also help reduce oxidative stress in our bodies, which results in reduced inflammation.”
6. High in Magnesium, Almonds May Help Lower Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is another important marker of heart health. High blood pressure is also referred to as hypertension, and the CDC estimates that nearly half of US adults are affected by it. It’s often called the “silent killer” because it goes unseen and unfelt, but can lead to serious health problems, according to the National Institute on Aging. Fortunately, high blood pressure can usually be remedied with lifestyle changes and medication. A healthy diet, such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) and the Mediterranean diet, can help lower high blood pressure, per the Mayo Clinic. (If you’re wondering, nuts are encouraged on both of these recommended diets.)
“In addition to reducing cholesterol and inflammation, almonds also reduce blood pressure,” Simon says. Almonds are a good source of magnesium, per the USDA, offering 76.5 mg per oz. Magnesium, Simon says, can “help lower blood pressure. Magnesium deficiency can also cause elevated blood pressure, so eating magnesium-rich foods like almonds can help correct this.” According to a meta-analysis published in the May 2020 Complementary Therapies in Medicinealmonds can have a favorable effect on diastolic blood pressure — the second or lower number, which measures the pressure on your artery walls when your heart is resting between beats, as the American Heart Association notes.
7. Almonds Are a Low-FODMAP Source of Gut-Friendly Prebiotics
Full of fiber, almonds are also a good source of prebiotics, which help feed a healthy gut microbiome, says Volpe. A healthy gut microbiome supports a healthy immune system and weight management, and prebiotics and probiotics help the balance of beneficial microorganisms thrive, according to the Mayo Clinic Health System. “Almonds, most notably their skins, are a natural food source of prebiotics, which feed and support the healthy growth of probiotics in the gut,” Volpe explains. A small study found that almonds and almond skins have potential prebiotic properties.
What’s more, almonds are a low-FODMAP source of these beneficial prebiotics, meaning they’re low in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. People with certain digestive conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), may be instructed to follow a low-FODMAP diet, which is low in certain sugars that cause intestinal distress, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine . “FODMAPs are among the highest food sources of prebiotics, which makes it difficult for people with IBS or SIBO to consume prebiotic foods without getting an adverse reaction or flare,” Volpe says. “As a low-FODMAP yet potent source of prebiotics, almonds make a wonderful staple for people who don’t tolerate high-FODMAP foods well but are looking to improve or optimize their gut microbiome.” There’s limited research confirming the prebiotic effects of almonds, but they have been shown to increase butyrate, a by-product of fiber after it’s digested, which can positively alter the microbiota, according to a randomized controlled trial in the December 2022 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Ultimately, almonds are a great source of dietary fiber without any adverse gut symptoms.