Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

In our daily lives, each of us can have an experience that is overwhelming, frightening, and beyond our control. We may be involved in a car accident, be the victim of an assault or witness an accident. These experiences are more likely to happen to police officers, firefighters, ambulance crews – who are often faced with gruesome scenes. Also, military personnel may be shot or injured by explosions, or see friends killed or injured.

Most people, in time, get over such experiences without needing help. However, for some, traumatic experiences trigger a reaction that can last for many months or

11 min read

Cardiovascular health: Tips to keep your heart healthy if you are turning 30

Health news
Image Source : FREEPIK Tips to keep your heart healthy if you are turning 30

Cardiovascular health: Juggling a family and career has probably left you with little time to worry about yourself. Life is a balancing act, but our health should always come first. Now is the time to build heart-healthy habits. That means living a healthy lifestyle, including eating healthy, getting lots of physical activity and a full night’s sleep. Studies have shown that if we can avoid the conditions that put us at risk for heart disease until we turn 50, chances are good that we may

4 min read

Sugar And Its Natural Substitutes

Added sugar has been linked to many serious diseases, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Fortunately, there are many ways to sweeten foods without adding sugar. There are many natural sweeteners that people often use instead of sugar. These include coconut sugar, honey, maple syrup and molasses. While these natural sweeteners may contain more nutrients than regular sugar, your body still metabolizes them in the same way.

The natural sweeteners listed below are slightly ‘less bad’ than regular sugar. Nevertheless, they are still forms of sugar.

Why sugar is bad for you

Sugar interferes with your body’s hormones that

5 min read

These Three Simple Habits Will Help You Lead A Healthy Life

If your new year’s resolution is to stay healthy, don’t miss nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee’s latest Instagram video.

These Three Simple Habits Will Help You Lead A Healthy Life

Avoid processed foods as much as possible

For many, new year’s resolutions and a healthy lifestyle go hand-in-hand. We are sure most of us may have made plans to embrace healthy habits to stay fit and fine in the coming year. Is it true? After all, many of us have understood the importance of being healthy, especially after the whole pandemic. Everyone knows that it’s very important to eat healthy food and exercise every single day. However, everything dumbs down to

3 min read

How To Lose The Extra Kilos In A Week

The biggest mistake we make when we make the decision to finally start this diet that can make our lives a little harder, is that we lean on things that end up bringing us the opposite results. What are we trying to say? A smart tip if you want to lose excess weight in a few days is not to frantically avoid sweets and carbohydrates, but to drop small “bad” habits. The idea is not to overdo it, which can also be a strong psychological burden for us, but to follow advice that will actually bring radical changes over time.

3 min read

GREG GUTFELD: Here’s the ‘infuriating part’ about COVID-19 reporting

NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles!

Happy, glorious, glorious Monday. Oh, it’s so great to be here. So we’re coming up on the three-year anniversary of full lockdown mode. When COVID arrived and the price for a bowl of bat soup went through the roof. Since then, we’ve learned a lot about the screwups in the early days, and we knew from the start the official stats were like Joe Biden counting his grandchildren. The numbers didn’t add up.

But now we’re seeing some people admit the truth as the media finally lets them speak the truth

5 min read

5 healthy eating habits worth adopting in your life

Unhealthy eating habits are not favorable for good health. So, especially when it comes to your health, change is crucial! You should make an effort to make better and healthier food choices in order to keep your overall lifestyle healthy. However, we often ignore the importance of healthy eating habits and listen to our taste buds more. Doing so sometimes is fine but making this a habit is not the right thing to do. This may invite unwanted health issues. Let’s find out how you can avoid it!

Here are 5 healthy eating habits that you should follow

1. Replace

3 min read

Lemons – Nutritional Value And Benefits

Yellow and juicy, with sometimes sour and sometimes bitter-sweet taste, fresh aroma and amazing properties. Lemon, the fruit of the citrus family, is associated with many different uses in our everyday life, because it is not only used for cooking and desserts, but also as a disinfectant-cleanser, as an aromatic ingredient in beauty products and perfumes, and also as a therapeutic medicine. But are they really as beneficial as they are touted? The answer is yes and a lot of them.

The widespread use of lemons has led to confusion about their nutritional value, with many wellness techniques circulating around

3 min read