Healthy Life: 4 Self-care tips you can do right now | HealthyLife

We always hear the buzz word “self care,” but how do many of us actually follow through when it comes to caring for ourselves? These days, we’re so preoccupied with life’s to-do’s that it’s more important than ever to ensure you give yourself a little TLC too. These are 4 self-care tips you can do right now.

Take a bath. Don’t overcomplicate things: run some how water and sit still, even for five minutes, and just soak… and breathe. If you want to take it next-level, add some bubbles, essential oils, a candle, and maybe even some lighthearted reading material. When all else (and timing) fails, just stick your feet in the warm water while you bathe the kids… that alone can be soothing.

Call a friend. Don’t text. An email or DM won’t do either. Pick up the phone and get a real-live person on the other end. If you really want to go that extra mile, connect on a video platform like FaceTime or Zoom. You’d be amazed how some casual conversation with a familiar person can boost your spirits.

Do something for someone else. There are unfortunately always people in your community who are less fortunate or who are struggling. There are local charities that always have needs. You could write a few letters to seniors in nursing homes, or collect food and other donations for a local shelter. Reach out to your borough, local churches or schools. Believe it or not, doing unto others could be just the form of self-care you need too.

Have something that’s just for you. We all need an outlet, a way for us to escape for a little. This could be getting into a great book, writing, drawing, baking or cooking (but not out of necessity… for fun), playing video games, binging a favorite show, or even sneaking a treat from your secret junk food stash. YOU deserve something all your own too.

-Jennifer Cox