Are You Always Hungry? Here Are 7 Possible Reasons For Frequent Hunger

In our fast-paced lives today, eating can sometimes become an afterthought. While we certainly consume food regularly, we are often not mindful of what we are eating. We often choose food based on our mood and convenience rather than their nutritional value. If our diet is not properly monitored, our overall lifestyle can also be affected. However, your appetite can be an indicator that something is off. Just as a lowered appetite can be a red flag, an increased appetite may also signal that you need to make some changes. Do you tend to feel hungry always, although you eat

4 min read

The Surprising Link Between Blood Sugar and Heart Disease, According to Cardiologists

Here’s why blood sugar levels are so important for heart health.

If prioritizing heart health is one of your wellness goals, you likely know the importance of keeping blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check. Consistent high levels of both significantly increase the risk for strokes and heart disease, the number one cause of death in the US

But there’s something else that cardiologists emphasize that it’s important to be mindful of. Like blood pressure and cholesterol, having high blood sugar levels can also negatively affect the heart in major ways. People who have a family history of cardiovascular disease

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7-Day No-Sugar Meal Plan for Healthy Immunity

How well your immune system functions depends on several factors, some you can influence and others are based on the luck of the draw. While there’s no single food or nutrient that can prevent you from getting sick, eating a varied and nutritious diet with a special focus on foods that support a healthy immune system certainly won’t hurt. In this plan, we focus on foods high in nutrients that help our immune system function properly, such as protein, zinc and vitamins A, C, D and E. What you won’t find? Added sugars. On average, the American adult eats 17

6 min read

Healthy Meal Planning: Tips for Older Adults

Eating healthfully and having an active lifestyle can support healthy aging. Use the resources below to learn about different patterns of healthy eating and ways to create a nutritious meal plan.

Older adults’ unique nutrition needs

Simple adjustments can go a long way toward building a healthier eating pattern. Follow these tips to get the most out of foods and beverages while meeting your nutrient needs and reducing the risk of disease:

Infographic, Tips To boost Your Health As You Age.  Click the link for full infographic

Read and share this infographic and spread the word about ways that can help foster healthy aging.
  • Enjoy a variety of foods from each food group to help
5 min read

Study finds healthier foods can be made more appealing online with a few simple steps

Study finds healthier foods that can be made more appealing with a few simple steps

University of Georgia researchers found that adding warm tones, including red, orange and yellow, can help healthy food images gain more engagement on social media. One example is adding tomatoes to the top of an omelette. Credit: Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA

A recent study from the College of Family and Consumer Sciences found that all food photos are not created equal. While sugary treats or fully loaded burgers have a quick appeal, healthier food options may need a little extra help in front of the camera.

For unhealthy foods, not as much effort is needed in photos. The foods earn likes

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No, Standard Medicare Doesn’t Cover ‘Grocery Benefit Programs’

In March 2023, a number of ads online claimed a “Grocery Benefit Program” or “Healthy Foods Allowance” would allow seniors to receive money each month for groceries, often by using a Medicare program.

Many of these ads were sponsored content on Google, which we’ve written about before.

One website claimed seniors could qualify for $900 to pay for groceries using the “Healthy Allowance” program. No time period was specified.

Another website claimed Americans over 64 could get over $3,600 to use for groceries, utilities, and over-the-counter items. No time period was specified there, either. Americans are eligible for Medicare beginning

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How to unlock the power of food to improve heart health

Your diet — the foods and drinks you eat, not short-term restrictive programs — can impact your heart disease risk. Evidence-based approaches to eating are used by dietitians and physicians to prevent and treat cardiovascular (heart) disease.

National Nutrition Month, with its 2023 theme of Unlocking the Potential of Food, is an ideal opportunity to learn more about these approaches and adopt more heart-friendly behaviors.

The Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Clinical Practice Guidelines recommend three main dietary patterns for lowering heart disease risk: the Mediterranean Diet, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) and the Portfolio Diet.

  1. The Mediterranean Diet is

5 min read

FDA Wants to Label Foods as ‘Healthy’

In September, the FDA began the process of promulgating new rules to determine what foods could carry the label “healthy.” In addition to updating standards set 30 years ago, when margarine was healthier than butter, the goal was to reduce “the burden of chronic disease and advance health equity.” There’s been quick pushback by food manufacturers, but that’s not surprising. Before considering the meaning of healthy, let’s consider the FDA’s claim that food labels can provide information.

The key word here is cannote does. A recent marketing study noted that labels promoting products, like using the term healthy,

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