DVIDS – News – Lifestyle Changes Lead to Longer, Healthier Life

Lifestyle changes can help you live longer with fewer chronic diseases, feel great, and reduce your cancer risk, according to the US Air Force Col. (Dr.) Mary Anne Kiel, chair of the Defense Health Agency Primary Care Clinical Community. The practice of lifestyle and performance medicine offers a way to be healthier by enhancing a multitude of areas of your life through six key pillars.
Kiel is a leading DHA proponent of lifestyle and performance medicine, and chairs the US Air Force’s Lifestyle and Performance Medicine Working Group as well.
Clinicians trained in the practice “focus on using the six

6 min read

Diet and Lifestyle Habits to Stay Fit After 40

Welcome, ladies to the magnificent forties! This is the decade where wisdom meets vitality, and a zest for life intertwines with a desire for good health. As we navigate through this phase of life, it is essential to equip ourselves with the knowledge and tools to keep our bodies and minds in peak condition. Let’s discover the secrets of staying fit, fab, and forever young after 40! Here are some habits or diets one should adopt to stay fit after 40.

As Health Shots reached out to Dr Kamal Palia, Nutritionist and Chief Dietitian, Ruby Hall Clinic, she explained that

4 min read

Your Daily FinanceScope for June 03, 2023

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


First you were convinced that money proved your inner value, and now you’re concerned that it’s not making you valuable enough in the eyes of others. Spend time working on the real issue. Your illusions about money are your biggest problem.


Where you used to want to do everything your own, idiosyncratic way, you now realize the value of being one of the crowd. You’re in high gear and

3 min read

The World Health Assembly adopts more Best Buys to tackle non-communicable diseases

The World Health Organization has expanded the list of ‘NCD best buys’. The updated list was approved at the 76thth World Health Assembly, a move that will support governments to select life-saving interventions and policies for the world’s biggest killers, non-communicable diseases. This gives countries of every income a level of support to improve the health of their citizens.

Interventions offered include taxes and bans on advertising for tobacco and alcohol, reformulation of policies for healthier food and drinks and the promotion and support of optimal breastfeeding practices.

The new list also includes secondary prevention for rheumatic fever, acute

5 min read

People too tired to lead healthier lifestyles, UK survey finds | Health

It’s the question many of us ask ourselves: why don’t I exercise more, eat better food and generally lead a healthier lifestyle?

For many who want to, but just can’t seem to make it happen, it turns out the answer to that question is – feeling just too tired.

A survey has found that tiredness is why 35% of people don’t make changes to their diet and physical activity levels that would help them close the gap between good intentions and concrete action.

The results, from a YouGov poll of 2,086 UK adults for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF),

2 min read

Participating in Activities You Enjoy As You Age

Older couple playing ping pong.There are many things you can do to help boost your health as you age, including making healthy food choices and not smoking. But did you know that participating in social and other activities you enjoy can also help support healthy aging?

As you grow older, you may find yourself spending more time at home alone. Being lonely or socially isolated is not good for your overall health. For example, it can increase feelings of depression or anxiety, which can have a negative impact on many other aspects of your health. If you find yourself spending a lot of time

6 min read

Healthy Living: Finding balance in an imbalanced world

“…the pot leaf, which once symbolized defiance and rebellion, is now a corporate logo seen in the tallest gold-plated glass buildings…”

These post pandemic days cannot be labeled as dull.

Today, my family doctor can write me a prescription for marijuana as a pharmacologic intervention for everything from controlling the nausea associated with chemotherapy and various metastatic cancers, to settling down spasms which accompany multiple sclerosis.

In my teenage years of the 1980s, that same dried flower with unusually high levels of the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) would put me on the wrong side of the law with possibly a criminal

4 min read

Three signs you might have experienced parental narcissistic abuse

  (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

“We all need a healthy amount of narcissism,” says licensed psychotherapist Jay Reid. To avoid being felled by any of life’s inevitable assaults on our self-esteem, there needs to be a sense that your individual worth is independent from external realities and beliefs, the therapist explains. But, when the feeling of I-am-important veers into the territory of pathological narcissism, the ground becomes fertile for narcissistic abuse.

According to Reid, this “extreme” form of narcissism conceals a fragile sense of self-worth, leaving the person affected on a quest for validation. In pursuit of this, the narcissist typically “feels entitled”

5 min read