The big picture:Dr. Puja Uppal says: “Taking care of your teeth can have a positive impact on your life.”

in the news: New data continues to show that dental health is tied to mental health & physical health.

Did you know that 22.7% of adults living in McLennan County have depression? 19.0% of adults in McLennan County say they smoke?

Doctor’s Insight about Dental Health and Physical Health

Can smoking cause tooth loss?

What 3 diseases are associated with tooth loss?

Dental health alert in Longview.  Doctor Explains.

In McLennan County, the average life expectancy is 77.1 years of age.

12.0% of adults have diabetes. 34.3% of you have high blood pressure. And, 28.2% of you lack health insurance.

All of these variables can impact your dental and mental health.

Dental Health in Texas