DuBois officials: City pays for most council members’ health insurance | News

DuBOIS — The City of DuBois taxpayers have been paying health insurance costs for most of the city council members since 2015, according to information received from city officials on Thursday.

Councilwoman Shannon Gabriel told the Courier Express that she learned Wednesday that her fellow council members have been receiving city-paid health insurance and she does not.

“I’m the only council member who doesn’t have city-paid health insurance,” said Gabriel. “I don’t even recall it being offered to me.”

Acting City Manager Chris Nasuti confirmed that all council members but Gabriel are receiving city-paid health care, vision and dental insurance at a cost of $678.73 per month. The city pays the first $4,500 of the $5,000 deductible, according to Nasuti.

Other council members include Diane Bernardo, Shane Dietz, James Aughenbaugh and Mayor Ed Walsh.

Nasuti said the council members are not receiving any other benefits through the city.

Council members are paid $1,200 per year, he said, while the mayor is paid $2,400 per year. None of them receive a bonus.

When contacted by the Courier Express, Sandy Township Manager Shawn Arbaugh said the supervisors do not receive any healthcare benefits or retirement benefits as elected officials. He said they do receive life insurance, but it’s “very minimal.” He said the supervisors also receive approximately $300 per month for their service.